One of Australia’s most successful young Entrepreneurs Mark Woodland, is inviting and giving back to Education & Lutheran Schools in the form of an Entrepreneurial Program for students. Again for another year in a few weeks Xplor International (Founder, Owner and CEO Mark Woodland) will fund and host pitch winning students and their parents from Lutheran Schools Qld (this year again SALC) to travel and work in Melbourne with some of his team to enable social and business innovations while richly developing contemporary soft skills and community partnerships.
The offer is now open to Vic/Melb Lutheran Schools to engage in an entrepreneurial program for students in a very flexible way. On Friday, 16 July at 6.00 pm, Lutheran School Leaders and Educators are invited to a special event and information session at the Victorian Innovation Hub 710 Collins Street Docklands where Mark and his team will explore the program and possibilities. Show your interest here and/or contact Kimberley Powell
Kimberley Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation