A New Season at St Paul’s Henty
We are a small NSW regional, 38 student school, situated between Albury and Wagga Wagga. One of the strengths of St Paul’s is the parent community and the commitment they have to support the success of the school. 2022 has been a positive year of significant change for our school community in Henty!
Some celebrations are:
Class Structure
Due to student numbers, we began 2022 by reducing the class structure from three classes down to two. Due to an increase in enrolments next year, we will return to three classes for 2023.
Staffing Structure
This year, we have farewelled Janine Schuller who was in the admin office for 23 years. We welcomed two new faces into the admin space, Kerri Klemke and Alison Wellington. Hollie Kinning was appointed as a teaching Deputy on K-2. We also increased student support with our Learning Coaches. Debbie Zweck (LC) has partnered with our 3-6 Teacher, Katie Ridley and Lucy Zweck (LC) supports our K-2 students in partnership with Hollie. We increased our Specialist Teacher, Felicity Habermann’s hours from two days to three days. We employed Lucy Hamblin as a Wellbeing Coordinator one day per week.
This year, Henty has worked collaboratively with St John’s Jindera staff. This is evident with St Paul’s accessing the skills of Alison Jafari as she supports the needs of identified students in her role as Leaning Enhancement Specialist. We also welcomed a new Business manager, David Walsh who is supported by our new finance officer, James Walsh. David oversees St Paul’s finances and administrative operations.
New Website
Our new website is in its first iteration. It is now the ‘go-to’ for parents regarding dates, newsletters, SchoolTV and all school information.
Student Learner Profile
Staff have developed a Student Learner Profile and each term we target an area to focus on and work through as a school community.
Collaborative Professional Development
Being a Riverina Lutheran School, we are grateful to have committed colleagues who are close by. We have purposefully invested in the relationships with our peers in Wagga, Walla and Jindera. Our start of term PD sessions have been a great way to collaborate and share the knowledge of like-minded educators. On our first Monday of Term 4, Teachers and Learning Coaches travelled to Jindera to work and learn with staff from Wagga Lutheran School and St John’s. The PD day was led by Derek Bartels and the focus was framed around contemporary learning and working through Project-Based Learning units.
Learning Environments
We have fantastic buildings and rooms at St Paul’s. However, like many schools, some areas require an update. We have begun the refurbishment process, beginning with a fresh coat of paint in most rooms and general maintenance of school grounds. We are in the initial stages of consulting with our school community to develop a facilities Master Plan that focuses on contemporary learning spaces.
We are looking forward to an exciting few years ahead at St Paul’s!
Yours in Christian Service
Brad Moss