Our Whole School Refurbishment Project is Finally Underway
After successfully receiving a BGA grant in 2022, we are now two learning studios into a 12-room refurbishment. We will also be building additional outdoor learning environments connected to each learning space. We have spent time working with Louka Parry and Anne Knock on the power of agile learning spaces. We also partnered with LEVNT and modelled contemporary spaces. We are excited to see our vision come into reality.
Developing a Clear Vision
We are about to embark on developing a new strategic plan for 2025-2028. As we pull together information and data on who we are, what we value and where we want to be, we are drawing on several current key frameworks that outline how we operate.
One framework is our Student Learner Profile. This document is used daily as a reference point for inspiring student learning and as a tool to set expectations on who we are as learners. Students self-assess their growth in these areas and we also report student growth formally to parents throughout the year.
The second framework is our Staff Profile. This document clearly frames professional expectations for us and is a point of reference for how we positively contribute to the life of our school.
A Snapshot of Learning at St John’s
We are in our fourth year of implementing PBL in all classes. In Week 1, Kindergarten kicked off their PBL unit and went on their first school excursion, to the Jindera Pioneer Museum. We are taking the next step in our PBL planning to intentionally engage with our community and make all connections purposeful.
Growth in Mission and Ministry
We are grateful that NSW District Church Council is funding a Church plant on site. Chaplain Pete is a terrific asset to our school and works within our school community. He is also tasked with the role of growing a church at St John’s. What started out 18 months ago as a Chapel service on a Friday night, twice every term, has grown into a Kids Church/Café Church every fortnight. We have an average of 40-50 school community members attending and our largest gathering has been 140 students, parents and Bethlehem Church members.
Praying everyone has a fantastic year and makes a positive impact in their school communities.
Brad Moss