Upskilling Incentives and uncreased kindergarten programs
With the success of upskilling incentives for all educators over the past 18 months we have 6 Early Childhood Teacher’s delivering our funded kindergarten programs in 2025.

This has enabled us to restructure our kindergarten programs offering two programs for first year of kindergarten and one program of year before school kindergarten. The new structures allow children to have their funded kindergarten hours as well as additional care days in the same program, in effect allowing children to receive a funded kindergarten program for up to 5 days delivered by Early Childhood Teacher. Children have a consistent learning environment with familiar educators that enable them to develop secure relationships with key educators, a strong sense of belonging in the programs and ample time to explore their interests through child lead learning.
With our team-teaching approach each program has two teachers that work together each day to deliver the programs. We have an experienced new teacher working together in each program sharing knowledge and experience to develop strong child focused programs that meet the individual needs of each child within the group, supporting emotional regulations and peer relationships in an inclusive program that caters for the vast variety of children’s needs.
Refurbishment of Kinder 3 and Toddlers yard

Over the closure period we were able to renovate our grass area and install a bike track for the children to build on the development of their physical skills in the Wombats / Possums outdoor learning space. This has enhanced the programs we have been able to offer in these programs.

Project based learning
The Platypus kindergarten children worked throughout Term 4 on a project instigated by one of the children who decided that she wanted to write a story. With the support of her educator, the story was documented. She then went on to illustrate pictures and a book was formed.
The child was so proud of her book that she wanted to share it with her kindergarten group and during a group learning session.
After a group discussion about what the children all thought of the book it was decided that our group wanted to turn it into a play and act it out.
Many children from the group were involved in creating the costumes and then together sat down and planned the performance.
Invitations were made for the grade 5/6 class of Good Shepherd College and management team of our service and once responses came in, tickets were made.
The children decided that at a show you need a snack, so a bag of popcorn was made for each of our special guests to eat as they enjoyed the show.
This was a wonderful experience, that incorporated our Lutheran community and our whole kindergarten group became involved in and thoroughly enjoyed.