What's happening at Good Shepherd College Hamilton

This year we started off with a theme of “First Things First” based on Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
This theme is about prioritising what truly matters—putting God at the centre of our lives, choices, and actions and trusting him to take care of the rest!
At our junior campus we invited everyone to a “Welcome Picnic and Treasure Hunt” which was an enjoyable way to introduce our parents and new students to all that our school offers whilst having a whole lot of fun!
Our eager adventurers set off on a journey around the campus, following clues that led them to significant places and friendly faces. Along the way, we asked both parents and students to reflect on the importance of Matthew 6:33 and to share with us their “First Things” - aka priorities, for Good Shepherd this year. Each stop along the treasure hunt reinforced the idea that putting God first in our lives brings everything else into place.
From the library to the playground, from the classrooms to the chapel, students worked together, solved puzzles, and met teachers and staff who shared insights about how we live out our faith every day at school. The final stop brought them to a special ‘treasure’—a reminder that true treasure isn’t just found in gold or prizes but in seeking God, building friendships, and growing in faith.
It was a fantastic way to begin the school year, helping families feel welcomed, engaged, and connected to our school community.
Staff at Good Shepherd College recognise that student wellbeing is the foundation for effective learning and so to help us monitor our student’s wellbeing we use ‘Pivot’s Wellbeing for Learning Program’—a dynamic tool that provides real-time insights into how our students are feeling, allowing us to support them in meaningful and timely ways.
Since 2021, we have integrated Pivot into our fortnightly Pastoral Care Group (PCG) sessions, where students complete a quick check-in during their morning meetings. This simple process gives PCG teachers immediate access to their students’ responses, enabling them to identify concerns early and offer support where needed. A dedicated wellbeing team, including our heads of campus and school counsellor, also monitors overall trends, ensuring a proactive and informed approach to student wellbeing.
Pivot has proven to be a valuable tool, particularly for students who may find it difficult to express their feelings verbally. By consistently gathering feedback and responding to emerging needs, we are committed to fostering a learning environment where every student feels safe, supported, and ready to thrive.