If you haven’t engaged in one of the sessions that has been developed for your school community as yet then I encourage you to have a look at the resources available on the LEA website. https://www.lutheran.edu.au/teaching-and-learning/a-vision-for-learners-and-learning/
These workshop opportunities are an important way that your school community can contribute to the refresh of the Vision for Learners and Learning, which is an important articulation of what Lutheran schools stand for and strive for each day as students walk through the gates, or log in for their classes as the case may be at the moment.
We realise that opportunities to gather people in person don’t exist for us at the moment so if you would like some support to re-work any of the options into a viable online version of the workshop then please reach out as I am more than happy to support with this.
Kimberley Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation