Lutheran Education Leaders reflect on the recent Sydney Contemporary Learning Tour. Some spots remaining on Contemporary Learning Tours at
"The amount of student efficacy that was available, but also the staff support provided in the environments was a great learning for me."
"I was both challenged and reassured about what I already do."
"Small continued steps will take you to great heights."
"The learning tour has opened my eyes. I am questioning why and how we do things. It has ignited a passion for teaching and inspired me to delve deep. I know that this will be influential and long lasting. It has had a profound impact on my self evaluation of my practice and the school in which I work."
"the learning tour gave me ideas on how to better my classroom environment so students feel safe and can engage in the activities"
"I was influenced to dream big and ask questions to understand more of how the systems work so well. The collaboration and discussion amongst others was so helpful to broaden my perspective."
"It was an amazing experience that has challenged preconceived notions and shown what can be possible if we dare to think creatively."
"Ignited and invigorated about the change we can make to the lives of young people"
"It’s influenced me as I now have a clearer idea of what contemporary learning LOOKS like in practice, but it’s also influenced me to think more critically about teaching systems."
"So many opportunities of I used to think and now I think. Make sure you take a colleague or two or three"
"The tour allowed for the opportunity to look inside and outside the operations of schools outside the Lutheran system."
"It influenced me to challenge the way we do things. Why do we do it that way, why can’t we change it? Challenge the current culture and see how you can make it better"
"I love how inspired, recharged and reenergised I feel. Particularly after sharing the journey with colleagues from my school."
"This tour was a great chance to engage in deep conversations not just at the sites but also with like minded educators on the tour."
"This tour opened my eyes to seeing that education can be a journey of learning, risk taking (or chasm jumping- to use Lou's term) and that we need to think outside the box with solving engagement problems with our students."
"I was excited to do this tour to build on my current teaching practice and experience. The relationships built, and conversation had, were most valuable and I am grateful for this opportunity. I hope for many more opportunities and I can't wait to do another tour soon (fingers crossed)."
"An opportunity to step out and challenge my own values, theories and teaching."
"I have loved going into a variety of spaces and contexts and being able to “bower bird” and take ideas from each one. The tour has left me inspired and eager to start taking the steps to evoke change and celebrate what we are doing well."
"The tour is packed with so much relevant and exciting information that is being delivered on the ground in classes being lived. Love the connections that are made with other schools and the opportunity to ask as many questions as possible. Thank you for your positive influence."
"The Sydney learning tour opened my eyes to the “how” contemporary learning is happening and can be done. It took away some of the fear and misconceptions of what contemporary learning is and created an excitement and desire to go and make the learning experience for my students and myself even better. Starting with small steps and enjoying and growing through the “festival of failures” along the way."
"It was clear that the vision and values of Lindfield were extremely well embedded in everything the staff and students did, resulting in a thriving collaborative culture."
"I have been influenced in a way I have never been influenced before at a tour/PD. I’m not walking away up high in the clouds if ‘we can do everything, let’s change everything’. This PD has helped me analyse where we are, WHY are we doing things and what we need to change to enhance. This tour has given me the tools to do that."
"I had no expectations prior to the tour but found it reignited my confidence to help bring about some change. Inspirational. It’s a journey that will take time but we must move forward and establish some non-negotiables."
"I was influenced to put the well being of the students first and the rest will follow."
"A rich opportunity to explore innovative approaches to teaching and learning, with a focus on building skills and dispositions for the contemporary world. Collaboration is key to driving positive change in education and this tour provided the perfect means to connect and learn from the experiences of other educators. Overall, it was a joyous and inspiring adventure that will have a lasting impact teaching practices and perspectives in our schools."
"The tour made me realise that as a school we have started on the journey of becoming more contemporary in our teaching and learning practices but there is still much to do. It was thought provoking and it certainly challenged some of my thinking."
"I really appreciated the many informal conversations in the car and at meals, that were still very much 'on task' with teaching practices, organisational strategies, resources, problem solving..."
"I loved the quote - We need to stop valuing what we assess and assess what we value."
Derek Bartels
Learning Leader: Innovation