Due to a number of requests, the next PBLWorks 101 Course will be June 13, 14, 15
Please email derek.bartels@levnt.edu.au if you wish to attend.
“It was fantastic to connect with some fantastic educators who are passionate about high-quality teaching and learning.”
“PBL101 was an informative course about the ins and outs of Project Based Learning and how to successfully implement this in the classroom. Being able to build my own course over three days with the help of so many different peers (across the nation) is affirming, eye-opening, and encouraging and has really ignited my passion for this form of learning.”
“PBL101 was engaging and practical. I was able to work with colleagues across Australia to share ideas and write an exciting project-based learning unit that I can't wait to share with my students.”
“Fantastic straight forward planning and teaching resources that focusses on authentic student learning!”
“PBL 101 gives a solid foundational knowledge of how to plan an inquiry-based unit of work that is going to be more authentic and engaging to our 21st century students, which will strengthen their skills to be more successful and positive contributors as adults.”
“PBL 101 provided rich conversation between Lutheran educators across Australia as we rethink our pedagogy to embrace Project Based Learning.”
“Such an amazing course full of excitement and learning opportunities. Time to reflect, grow and collaborate together in a safe space to work towards making learning and teaching real and authentic”
“It was great learning about PBL, in manageable chunk sized pieces, practicing the strategies that we can implement in our classrooms.”