The next PBLWorks 101 Accreditation course for Lutheran Educators will be held online on September 20th-22nd.
This course is a fantastic opportunity to learn how you can implement Project Based Learning pedagogy in your schools. During the course, you will work live with PBLWorks Senior Leaders, who have great knowledge of the PBL process. More information on PBLWorks can be found on their website here.
If you would like to register for this course, please email by COB Friday September 8th.
Testimonials below:
“PBL101 was an informative course about the ins and outs of Project Based Learning and how to successfully implement this in the classroom. Being able to build my own course over three days with the help of so many different peers (across the nation) is affirming, eye-opening, and encouraging and has really ignited my passion for this form of learning.” Josh
“It was fantastic to connect with some fantastic educators who are passionate about high-quality teaching and learning.” Josh S
“Wouldn’t it be great if we could do this every term where Lutheran Educators come together across Aus. to plan and share – the learning for our students would be INCREDIBLE! I have a 14 pg Contemporary Unit now ready!! -thankyou thankyou thankyou” Bec
“PBL101 was engaging and practical. I was able to work with colleagues across Australia to share ideas and write an exciting project-based learning unit that I can’t wait to share with my students.” Peta
“Fantastic straight forward planning and teaching resources that focusses on authentic student learning!” James
“PBL 101 gives a solid foundational knowledge of how to plan an inquiry-based unit of work that is going to be more authentic and engaging to our 21st century students, which will strengthen their skills to be more successful and positive contributors as adults.” Ashleigh
“PBL 101 provided rich conversation between Lutheran educators across Australia as we rethink our pedagogy to embrace Project Based Learning.” Mel
“Such an amazing course full of excitement and learning opportunities. Time to reflect, grow and collaborate together in a safe space to work towards making learning and teaching real and authentic” Angie
“It was great learning about PBL, in manageable chunk sized pieces, practicing the strategies that we can implement in our classrooms.” Josephine
“PBL 101 explains PBL and makes it come to life. It takes teaching and turns it into amazing learning where students are encouraged to have productive struggle to ensure they are at their learning optimum but remain having fun.” Juanetta Priest
“PBL 101 was a wonderful P.D. which allowed me to connect and collaborate with colleagues around Australia. It allowed me to grow and develop a clearer understanding of what PBL looks and feels like in the classroom. This P.D. extended and challenged my thinking of my current teaching practices.” Del French
“PBL 101 gave me the opportunity to connect and share with other teachers as we supported one another to plan and create a unit for implementation. The professional conversations that we were able to have together in our groups was really valuable.” kylie
“This workshop affirms 21st-century learning and pedagogy. It guides towards authentic, real-world scenarios that engage and excite both students and teachers. It allows not just for student choice but gives them a clear and intentional voice in their own learning and builds in the opportunity to reflect, critique, revise and perfect. It allows for diversity, differentiation, and collaboration.” Judy Hickey
“Insightful PD which has given me tools to use in my classroom and in my PBL unit.” Kayla
“PBL 101 has been really useful in gaining an insight into what is require to plan and implement a meaningful and rigorous PBL unit. It was also a great opportunity to meet and network with other teachers outside of my own school community across the country, sharing the goal of equipping our young people for their futures.” Bec
“PBL Works was a wonderful opportunity to work with like minded people who had the same goals in mind. Educators working to assist students in being creative, inquisitive collaborators who seek to find solutions to real world problems.”
“Our three day PBL 101 workshop has been very well planned and presented with plenty of opportunities for teachers to plan their project and collaborate across 35 regions. PBL is an exciting step forward and I believe students will love this authentic and interactive, community based approach to learning.”
“PBL 101 provides an in-depth study of PBL with you as a student: you get to experience it as you learn!”
“By Day 3 we have a seven week PBL unit of work ready to launch and have found this course to have generated so much productivity between the team members. We are astounded at the quality of the work and the quantity we have achieved under Dori and Derek’s guidance. We have also felt a growth in confidence in having our work critiqued by other teachers and our own ability to critique the work of other teachers.”
“PBL has changed the way I look at teaching. PBL 101 has been one of the most productive, inspiring, challenging workshops that I have done in my teaching career. A must do for all teachers who want to elevate their teaching.”
“PBL 101 has better equipped me on the contemporary education journey and enhanced my individual knowledge and skills. It sparked a desire to know more and provide my students engaging and authentic learning experiences. The presenter made the content so easy to understand and provided high level support. The collaboration with other junior primary teachers across the region was exceptional.”
“PBL was a highly beneficial and practical course where you can walk away with a completed PBL unit. Excellent instructors!” Renae
“The PBL Gold Standard training provides teachers with two things they value highly – 1) Professional Development that is tailored to their context, and 2) the time to apply their learning directly back into their classrooms through thorough planning processes.” Leah
Derek Bartels
Learning Leader: Innovation