I spent some time travelling recently in the United States and Canada, spending some time driving through parts of Massachusetts, New York State, Oregon, Washington, California, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia witnessing the extraordinary beauty of God’s creation – breathtaking in its variety, grandeur and splendour. From the Adirondack and Rocky Mountains, under Niagara Falls, along the Great Lakes, beside the California coastline, to the volcanic power of Mt St Helens and the Giant Redwoods of California I was constantly in awe of the power and wonder of God. My mind wanders back to King David’s words of immortal words of praise in Psalm 8 – nothing else seems to come close:
1 LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in the whole earth!
You have set your glory
in the heavens.
2 You have made sure that children
and infants praise you.
Their praise is a wall
that stops the talk of your enemies.
3 I think about the heavens.
I think about what your fingers have created.
I think about the moon and stars
that you have set in place.
4 What are human beings that you think about them?
What is a son of man that you take care of him?
5 You have made them a little lower than the angels.
You placed on them a crown of glory and honor.
6 You made human beings rule over everything your hands created.
You put everything under their control.
7 They rule over all flocks and herds
and over the wild animals.
8 They rule over the birds in the sky
and over the fish in the ocean.
They rule over everything that swims in the oceans.
9 LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in the whole earth!
Gary Jewson
Learning Leader: Formation