Greetings, and a very warm welcome to 2025.
I love (loved?) Leunig, and was very saddened by his recent passing. The simplicity of his messaging and cartoons has brought me joy on many occasions when there have been ‘moments’ in my leadership journey. I recall an interview with Michael and Andrew Denton on Enough Rope back in 2006, where he was asked whether he thought that God was listening, and he replied:
“I don’t think of God as a he, or a listener—or a she. I just think it’s a poem.... It’s a sense of God. I just love the word. I love using it. It sings, you know? It’s sweet. It’s a sweet word. I’m at ease with it. My ancestors used it. Some wonderful musicians and composers and poets used it. They must have been talking about something. I feel entitled to this word. I inherited it, you know.”
Even in Michael’s expression of God, we see an almost childlike acceptance and understanding of God, and perhaps the challenge for us is as we age, we become more analytical and cynical, so mystery and awe seem less accessible.
As we stand on the cusp of a new year, my heartfelt prayer is that all in our learning communities are inspired by the simple yet powerful message of ultimate love, Christ on the Cross, and that His sacrifice guides and encourages us through the year to come.