“For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; Romans 12:4-6”
How many decisions have you made this week?
How many of those have you made by drawing on the wisdom and support of others?
Educational Leaders make approximately 1500 decisions per day especially Principals and Teachers. This was highlighted over the last few days during culture and strategic work facilitated by Louka Parry and Dr Anne Knock with all the staff at TLC Mildura.
Across LEVNT schools we st
rive in these professional decisions small and large, to be in accordance in living out the gospel and service to others within, across and beyond our learning communities. This is by no means easy at times and some of us may struggle to see the bigger picture or a long game view.
Without a doubt LEVNT schools and services strive to not only draw on the experience, energy and wisdom of all but also to make appropriate decisions and drive action through these learnings. It takes a rich and forward thinking culture that is always monitoring Climate, Relationships, Communication and Purpose while remembering one of our cornerstones being Grace:
“Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities where grace abounds. While recognising the brokenness of humanity, they reflect the unconditional love of the Father, revealed through the saving work of his Son, Jesus”. (Growing Deep)
If Growing Deep is calling all Lutheran Education Leaders in schools no matter the role, to uphold and grow this culture, then our challenge is to model this effectively for all in our care. How best we do that is different for each community, but its not in a book, a formal course or even our highly effective LDP program.
It is the special sauce that has organically been created and matured through the Culture across LEVNT schools in being together, working together and making a real difference driven by our Gospel values.
May God continue to give us the knowledge, wisdom, humility, and strength to further enrich this Culture.
Derek Bartels
Learning Leader: Innovation