On Monday 15th, 15 CS Leaders from around the Region met for the first in-person network day for 3 years! It was so good just to be together, to meet new faces and collaborate around Christian Studies. The day began with a chance to reconnect and then explore the faith journey of the Samaritan woman in John 4. We were privileged to have Sue Kupke the Education Leader from LESNW to lead us through an inquiry into ‘inquiry’. We explored the difference between concept and content and how conceptual thinking allows us to link CS to other areas of learning. We were joined after lunch by Alison, the CS Leader at Endeavour College in Adelaide, to share her experience with the new SRM (Spirituality, Religion and Meaning) SACE subject. The afternoon session allowed Primary and Secondary to meet separately and identify projects for future collaboration. Thanks to all who made the day a success and we’ll keep the conversations rolling.
David Spike
Pastor for Ministry and Formation