For many months Derek Bartels (LEQ) and I have been working on writing a Contemporary Learning Framework. The reason that we began writing it was because so many school leaders and teachers were asking us what a truly contemporary school looks like across all the different facets of a school, from the way students operate, how the culture feels and what teacher practice looks like in the classroom.
The document has had many revisions and edits as we continued to take on feedback and evolve the framework to be the best representation of contemporary learning in our Lutheran context that it could be.
We are ready to share the document with schools that feedback from those who have seen it already is that if you are in any way on the journey to delivering a contemporary approach to education then this framework will be useful. If you would like a copy please reach out and I will send you a PDF, we are hopeful that by the end of the year we will also have some hard copies printed.
Kim Powell
Learning Leader: Innovation