Luther College, in collaboration with the Australian Lutheran World Service team, is planning a ‘Walk My Way’ event for Saturday 21st October 2023. This exciting event will raise funds towards educating children in African Refugee Camps.
Walk My Way began in 2017, in South Australia, and has been running most years since then. You can see more from the recent 2019 SA Walk here, and more information on the ALWS initiative via the Walk My Way website. Luther College is now planning to host the Victorian Walk My Way in October. This is an opportunity for many, together with friends and family, to make a difference, to serve people, especially children, in these large refugee camps.
Further details as to how you can get involved will be forthcoming. At this stage we simply want to flag the date for individuals, families, schools and congregations to enter into their diaries.
We hope that many of you will be excited by this Victorian ALWS event and may even start your training regime! Any questions at this stage can be directed towards David Paech at Luther College, or Taya Fittolani at LEVNT (